Autism Peer Support
Until the 15th January to have your say on what core capabilities are needed for autism peer support workers. The online workshops are nearly full but there is room for 1:1 or completing the questionnaire/survey. This new, funded project from HEE want to hear from:
people who already are or have recently been an autistic peer supporter (paid or voluntary)
autistic people who have used peer support (about autism, or any other topic)
peer support workers (paid) on any topic / situation (for example carers, dementia, cancer, eating disorders, mental health, chronic pain etc.)
autistic people who want to use peer support
family carers / advocates of autistic people who may wish to use, or work as peer supporters
employers of autistic peer supporters or those considering employing peer supporters.
other interested parties.
We’ll be holding online workshops lasting one hour for up to 12 people. There will be at least two facilitators in each discussion, and one will be autistic.
For those who can’t attend one of the workshops but would still like to support this project we’re also providing the following options for people to feedback on:
one to one discussions
online survey/questionnaire for everyone.
We’ll be pleased to hear from other autistic led groups and organisations, or organisations employing peer supporters. What are the key core capabilities needed for autism peer support workers?
If you want to work in co-production with us please CLICK HERE
People participating in workshops or booked a one to one discussion (who are not being paid by an organisation to do so) will be eligible to claim any expenses and payment for their time through our participation policy.
Download the HEE Leaflet here: